The Finished Sculpture
Having seen the final sculpture that I drew with Michael next to Pope Francis and Karekin II was truly an unforgettable moment for me.
I was in awe that something I first saw on a memo pad, which then slowly took shape on my loose sheets of paper had become a work of art that Pope Francis himself was interacting with, as he, together with Karekin II, poured water into the ark that has been earlier filled with soil by Armenian migrants from the Middle East.
It was truly an accomplishment that I shared with Michael and the India Team like no other.
Use of images in this section are solely intended for portfolio purposes only
The sculpture was installed on a stone base that was sourced & built locally
Design, Details & Concepts shown hereon are the exclusive property of Michael Aram Inc. and may not be reproduced or used without written consent of an officer of Michael Aram Inc.